AMC0 Prime and AMC00 Prime
AMC0 Prime and AMC00 Prime
“AMC0 Prime” or “AMC00 Prime” Cutback Bitumen Primes are an essential part of any flexible pavement design.
A Prime:
- Is The Initial Treatment To Prepare The Surface For Any Subsequent Spray Seal Or Asphalt Layer
- Provides A Surface For Subsequent Treatments To Bond To
- Assists In Waterproofing The Pavement
- Penetrates The Surface Of The Prepared Pavement
- Settles The Road Base & Deals With Surface Dust
- Minimise The Drain-Down Of Binder From Overlying Spray Seals Into The Base
- Forms The Basis For The Performance Of Any Future Spray Seal Or Asphalt Layer
- Should Be Used With Any New Flexible Pavement
- Should Be Allowed To Cure For A Minimum Of 2 -3 Days, Prior To Any Spray Or Asphalt Seal
Once cured, the primed surface should be hard, dry and have a black to dark brown appearance.
The Success Of Priming Relies On:
- The Preparation & Finished Condition Of Base Materials
- Selection Of An Appropriate Primer
- Selection Of appropriate Application Rates
- Suitable Weather Conditions
- Application Procedures
Generally, primers are applied at rates between 0.5 and 1.1 L/m2
Priming pavements that are too damp will prevent penetration of the primer.
They may require excessive time to dry and cure, and residue left on the surface may affect the next treatment.
The road base to be primed should be well compacted and firm. The surface should be allowed to dry out on top and to a depth of 5–10 mm in order to allow the prime to penetrate into the pavement pores and provide a strong bond for the final treatment.
A loose and powdery base will not allow the prime to be effective.
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